99 Ranch Market 是聖地牙哥有名的中國超市,到裡面的人通常都是華人,到裡面放的音樂竟然是讚美之泉的音樂,進去就有一股很熟悉的感覺,我喜歡這裡!進去除了超市外,還有一些小店進駐在裡面,一進門就會看到在美國難得一見得中國小吃,我忍不住點了一碗麵吃,因為我在節食,所以只吃了一點點,不過卻很滿足,真是太棒了!另外,裡面還特別有賣台灣有名的『珍珠奶茶』,我也叫了一杯來喝,不過還是台灣道地的好喝,不過來這裡能品嚐到家鄉味,實在是一總奢侈的享受。



在巴士上巧遇我的同學,所以就一起到聖地牙哥有名的『OLD TOWN』去逛逛,那裡是一個很有味道的地方,很有藝術氣息,也很多墨西哥小店進駐在其中,很多人悠閒的逛著小店,我們也很輕鬆的到處看看,這真是一個讓人心曠神怡的地方。


I chatted with Andy this morning. I have confirmed that Andy will
come here on July thirtieth. I am very happy.
In the afternoon, I went to 99 ranch market, it is like a small china town there. 
When I was going back, I saw  Jerry and Larry, my classmates.  

Wasn’t a coincidence! We took the same bus  and then went to  Old town to take a walk together .
Old town is a very special place. There are many
things about art and many Mexican cafes, that have a very
distinctive flavour and style. When Andy comes here, I will
take him there. I just want to let him know what I said
- Old town is really a very beautiful place!


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